B4 Being a Kid in the 21s Century – synthesis of texts studied

tyson-synthesis-paragraphThis is my Compose and Create after viewing/listening to a documentary and podcast. This synthesis is my “take away” from our study on the topic.

After both viewing Angry Kids and Stressed-out Parents and listening to the podcast, I have come to several conclusions on this subject. My first is that there seems to be an alarming rise in mental health cases in kids; either that or we are just now realizing the problems. But that second scenario is much less likely as the age that this is happening is also decreasing (11-year-olds attempting suicide). So the problem is that this is happening  more. But my second conclusion is that we are getting better at treating things like this as well as preventing them; parents are getting more help and tools to teach their kids so that they don’t grow up with mental instabilities and all of these walk-in clinics for mental cases that aren’t that important help out in curing all of this as well.